Empowering Communities: Thank You for 2023!

As we approach the end of this year, we find ourselves pausing to reflect on the impactful journey we've experienced at the Du Toitskloof Fairtrade Initiative in 2023.

Since the pandemic, projects have gradually regained momentum, evolving and branching out into new avenues where needed. Amidst this journey, we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors, whose support and investment have been instrumental in the success of our community and the projects that serve it.

From our daycares and clinics to a brand new mobile library and art programmes - without the investment and care from our sponsors, these initiatives wouldn’t exist today. Your investment has not only made a difference in individual lives but has collectively contributed to the betterment of our community.

We are also grateful to the local individuals, who have taken it upon themselves to initiate projects or contribute to events that empower our rural communities. From helping out at community events to running sports activities - it makes a big difference in our small town.

From Du Toitskloof Fairtrade Initiative, we wish everyone a very happy festive season and a wonderful new year. Looking ahead with anticipation, we eagerly await the opportunities and challenges that 2024 will bring. Until then, thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

See you in 2024!


2Blossom Holiday Kits


16 Days of Activism Event